Voiceat selezionata dal MIPEL per l'esclusiva “area Trend” con la Summerbag logata

VOICEAT vola al MIPEL nell'area espositiva Showcase dedicata ai brand italiani emergenti

Due volte l'anno il Salone espositivo di Fiera Milano Rho ospita il Mipel, la più importante fiera internazionale B2B dedicata a borse e accessori moda. Ogni edizione una delegazione di buyer, veri e propri talent scout del settore, riempiono i padiglioni della fiera in cerca di qualità, innovazione, creatività italiana tra marchi storici e nuovi talenti. La Fiera, tra le più importanti al mondo e con oltre 100.000 visitatori ad appuntamento, è arrivata all'edizione 126. In questa edizione di settembre 2024, che comincerà domenica 15 per chiudere i battenti il 17, i riflettori sono puntati sull'area espositiva SHOWCASE (Padiglione 3...
Sacred animal in ancient times and unaware reformist of modern times: the SEA HORSE (at risk of extinction) with its charm and mysteries is the protagonist of the new VOICEAT summer bag

Color and sustainability , an essential combination for the next summer season where the desire for holidays and freedom is already exploding, but VOICEAT - consistent with its mission - loads the new summer bag with ethical contents with a pinch of playful provocation. The protagonist for the For friends line dedicated to nature and animals, after the success of the iconic Phanter bag , is the small seahorse , placed in the attic and forgotten, at risk of extinction due to the gradual disappearance of its habitats due to pollution and climate change . Those who are no longer...
Tell me what bag you're wearing and I'll tell you who you are. VOICEAT: from individuality to otherness

The bag is not just any accessory , a simple complement to our look to wear absentmindedly before leaving the house. It is not even a simple object of desire as an end in itself, nor a container for trinkets that we otherwise wouldn't know where to put. The bag expresses much more, and above all our way of being and relating to others: who we are and, sometimes, who we would like to be. Upon closer inspection, the chosen bag model can highlight our strengths and weaknesses ; but also the way we wear it reveals some aspects of...